
Inclusively Employee Spotlight: Greg DeGregorio, Sales Director

Originally published November 22, 2022

At Inclusively, we’re proud of the work we do to help organizations create thriving workplaces that are open and inclusive to all. We’re also happy to be a company that offers the same to our employees. Many of our team members feel safe disclosing a disability because they know they will be welcomed and supported as they are.

In this series, we look forward to introducing you to some of our teammates who are sharing their stories with the world. We hope these pieces provide a broader understanding of how accommodations in the workplace can create healthier work environments and cultures across the board.

Meet Greg DeGregorio

Greg joined the Inclusively team in March 2022 as a Sales Director. Though he has experience developing multi-million dollar pipelines and cultivating business relationships at many organizations, Greg admitted that Inclusively is the first job he’s had where he truly feels that he’s able to give back. Learn more about Greg’s experience at Inclusively – specifically on what got his attention, and what’s keeping it.

What was it about Inclusively that interested you initially?

“Inclusively’s mission is something I am very passionate about, as disabilities have impacted my life from a very young age,” explained Greg. “I’m proud to work with a company that’s giving a community (that’s traditionally overlooked) an equal opportunity to find meaningful work.”

As our mission is to create thriving workplaces that are open and inclusive to all– we’re excited to see more organizations be more supportive and inclusive. However, we realize  the workforce still has more work to do in regards to equity and inclusion for the disabled community. The best method for promoting and maintaining inclusivity in the workplace is to hire and retain individuals with disabilities.

What was your biggest aha-moment at Inclusively?

“After my first few months with Inclusively, it clicked for me how easy our platform makes it for people to request what they need to be productive at work; it’s actually allowed me to feel comfortable talking about my own disability, ” shared Greg.

We agree – accommodations are key! Before employers can successfully welcome and support candidates with disabilities, it’s necessary to understand the accommodations they need and how to offer those accommodations at scale. Often, the word “accommodation” is associated with physical space modifications like broader doorways or wheelchair ramps but in reality more than 90% of accommodations are either entirely free or a one-time cost of under $500 to implement. Discover what accommodations really mean in our recent article.

Besides our mission, what else do people need to know about Inclusively?

“Inclusively has amazing people and an amazing culture where the company makes you feel valued by not only asking for your feedback but taking your feedback and implementing it into our work.” said Greg.

Explore more about Inclusively and our co founders!


1. Job Accommodation Network, 2021, Benefits and Costs of Accommodation

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