Job Seeker

Personalize the way you work

Create your profile, select Success Enablers and connect to jobs from employers who are committed to creating diverse and inclusive teams.

Inclusively Candidate Profile Page in a navy blue computer mock up

Discover your tools for success.

Our platform empowers you to personalize your job search by selecting the Success Enablers that you need to be successful in both the interview process and on the job. It also allows you to filter on inclusive employers who are transparent about the accommodations they provide in the workplace.

Success Enablers, are accommodations, modifications and opportunities for workplace personalization. They help all employees reach their potential and provide access for employees with apparent and non-apparent disabilities.

Retain Platform Image in a Navy Blue Computer Mockup with teal background

The Inclusively Approach

Create a free profile

Complete your profile with work experience, education, skill set, Success Enablers and more.

Image showing a bar graph trending upward

Find & connect to

Search and connect to jobs with employers who are actively working to attract and retain diverse talent and create truly inclusive workplaces.

Personalized job matches

Receive curated job recommendations based on your work experience, skills and job connections.

Our Job Seekers

We’re proud to support job seekers who benefit from workplace accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our job seekers include veterans, individuals with disabilities, neurodivergent individuals, and caregivers.

Mental Health

Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disoder (OCD), Eating disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Chronic Illness

Lupus, Cancer, Lyme Disease, Diabetes, Asthma, Long COVID, Chronic arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic migraines, Bleeding disorders, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s


Paraplegia, Limb difference, Amputee, Spina bifida, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Cerebral palsy (CP), Dwarfism


Hearing loss, d/Deaf, Hard of hearing


Blind, Legally blind, Low vision, Color vision deficiency (CVD)


Autism, Attention-deficit disorder (ADD), Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Tourette’s syndrome (TS), Epilepsy, Sensory processing disorder (SPD), Synesthesia


Stuttering, Apraxia, Mutism, Dysarthria

Cognitive & Intellectual

Down syndrome, Developmental disabilities, Memory loss,
Learning disabilities

Helpful Resources

Inclusively’s Research: The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Inclusively’s Research: The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Press Release: New Inclusively Research — The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Press Release: New Inclusively Research — The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Press Release: The State of Workplace Inclusion and Accommodations

Press Release: The State of Workplace Inclusion and Accommodations