Product Demo

How to Unlock the Value of Hidden Talent with Inclusively

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Demo Transcript

Speaker 1: Shayla Cory, VP of Demand Generation at Inclusively

All right, let’s go ahead and get started. Looks like we still have a few more people trickling in. But we’ll go ahead and get started for time’s sake. Hi, everyone. My name is Shayla Cory, and I will be your host today. Thank you so much for joining our session, How to Unlock the Value of Hidden Talent with Inclusively. We’re very excited to connect with all of you today. So thanks again for joining. Before we get started, I have just a few housekeeping announcements. We are recording today’s session, and we will make the recording as well as the transcription available to you afterwards. And then in addition, we are going to have a live q&a at the end of the presentation. However, feel free to submit any of your questions as you have them throughout the session. Feel free to do that via the chat function of the Zoom webinar platform. We’ll be monitoring that throughout and acknowledging those questions at the end of the session today. And so with that, I’d like to introduce our presenters for today. We have Sarah Bernard who is the Co-founder and the COO of Inclusively. And then we also have Allison Lindberg who is our VP of Product Strategy at Inclusively. So welcome Sarah and Allison, and I’ll go ahead and pass it on over to you, Sarah.

Speaker 2: Sarah Bernard Co-founder and COO of Inclusively

So a little bit about Inclusively, talent management systems and algorithms are increasingly being scrutinized for being designed with bias and therefore filtering out any candidates with missing keywords in a typical resume: for example, for the years it took to graduate, or gaps in and work history, etc. Hiring teams screen and interview every candidate using the same process and pattern matching, which results in the same people being hired over and over and the same people continuously being excluded, thereby creating large hidden talent pools. Finding hidden talent relies on a network of advocacy organizations, making it difficult for employers to find and hire these candidates at scale. We are an employment networking platform that empowers companies to support workers by emphasizing and embedding workplace accommodations into hiring and retention practices. Our job matching technology humanizes the recruitment process by screening the overlooked talent and matching candidates to jobs based on professional backgrounds, skills, and self-disclosed accommodations that enable candidates to perform at their very best. By anticipating the shift and the expectation of tomorrow’s leaders who demand a diverse and inclusive workplace today, we are helping to create thriving workplaces that are open and inclusive to all. We have years of experience working with the disability community, which also happens to be the largest untapped talent pool in the U.S. and the only minority group that intersects all other demographics. The disability community is the most negatively affected by systemic biases that exist and the technologies that every large employer utilizes to identify and hire talent. Companies rely on biased ATS (applicant tracking system) algorithms and inflexible screening and interviewing processes. For example, a simple gap in the resume for say time spent in the hospital will filter that candidate’s resume out of the view of a prospective hiring manager, ignoring all the other skills and experience that would make that candidate a good fit for the job.

We started by serving those with disabilities because this community is also the most progressive when it comes to identifying accommodations that will enhance individual and collective productivity. And when we say disability, that includes the neurodivergent, mental health, chronic illness and even veteran communities. We are reversing social norms and empowering job seekers to request accommodations they need to succeed before an interview even takes place when traditionally, disclosure has been pushed to the post offer part of the hiring process. Solving for the disability community introduces 10.7 million Americans to the workforce to help fill the massive gaps in headcount and skills that currently play our economy’s growth. When companies screen diverse talent, they intrinsically improve company culture and support employee engagement. Our system and court encourages transparency where candidates self disclose the accommodations they need up front. The hiring teams are then able to provide a personalized hiring experience that is accessible. All the access to hidden talent is centralized onto our platform and then recommended to your roles, and then hidden workers are far more likely to be screened in the very act of opening up the process to inclusive candidates that encourages transparency with existing talent. Our clients are finding that current employees feel much more comfortable to self disclose when they see that the organization embraces diversity and promotes accommodations. We foster tech enabled transparency, we aggregate self-disclosed candidates from the fragmented networks of nonprofits, government agencies and training programs into a one-stop partnership ecosystem. Our AI matching technology curates these candidates and recommends them to your open roles. And then for each candidate that is presented to an employer, we provide access to all the relevant information your hiring teams need to know to provide a successful and inclusive experience, personalized each time to the person that they will be meeting. Unconscious biases are removed from a company’s existing hiring process without significant disruption to their current hiring workflow. And diverse candidates who have been largely hidden, can now move through a company’s hiring program.

These are just some of the organizations partnering with Inclusively today. On the left are some of our active enterprise clients who count on Inclusively as a thought leader in disability inclusion, leveraging both our lean learning services and our platform to drive results. And to the right are some of the organizations we work with on the candidate-sourcing side. We’re proud to partner with the existing infrastructure of nonprofits, government agencies and charities that already provide jobs supporting the disability, mental health and veteran communities. We leverage Inclusively’s technology to do the great work they already do, but with expanded access directly into our enterprise clients. Now that I’ve shared a high level overview of Inclusively, I will pass it to my colleague, Allison, who will introduce you to the platform with a demo.

Speaker 3: Allison Lindberg, VP of Product Strategy at Inclusively

Great, thank you, Sarah. So I’ll jump into our actual employer portal. When you log in as an employer user, you will be taken to this homepage, where you can access your company profile by clicking on your company logo in the top right. Once you click on Company Profile, when getting set up, Inclusively will be able to include some basic information and company details as well as success enablers. These success enablers are accommodations that we’ve taken from the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)and broken them down into categories and subcategories. As you can see at the top, there’s interview prep, interviewing preferences that companies can offer candidates, then below that, you’ll see the success enablement category, and underneath there will be the subcategory known as our accommodations. These are what companies can provide candidates to be successful in the workplace. After creating your company profile, you can go to our homepage and view all of your jobs that are listed for your company. There are a few ways that we can ingest jobs at Inclusively. First, we can do a manual creation of jobs within the platform. If we have all the information, the employers can own this process and create their postings directly in the product. Secondly, we can create a dynamic feed, which our Engineering Team sets up to run overnight and update the job postings directly from the employers database. So that can include an XML or JSON feed, and that is an automated process. Once landed on this job posting page, you can click into a specific role. And here you’ll see connected candidates, which means these are the candidates that have gone ahead and applied for this position, as well as our recommended candidates. Recommended candidates are candidates that have been recommended from our AI-based algorithm. Clicking into one of these candidates, you’ll be able to see their individual profiles. Just one thing to note that you can see is all of our candidates in Inclusively have been equipped with an Inclusively standard cover letter so that when they are integrated into the ATS, you’ll be able to know off the bat that these candidates have already self disclosed. When in the platform, you can see the candidates profile with their work experience. And then under success enablers, you’ll be able to see the accommodations that this candidate has selected to be successful in the workplace. If you scroll down, you’ll also be able to see their requested interview accommodations when interviewing with the company. From here, you’ll be able to either save this candidate to a personalized curated list, or you can click the option to message this candidate in the platform to request an interview or start a dialogue.

Going back to our jobs board, you can also see that we have all of our jobs listed here. And then if you’d like to search candidates directly, you can click on our candidates tab. Under the candidates tab, you can select and you can search candidates based on experience level, location, or take a closer look at a larger range of different accommodations they might have selected so that you can determine if you can offer. There are four ways in which we allow employers to interact with candidates. You can come into our platform and see connections per job, meaning the candidates that have applied to a specific position. You can also utilize our AI based algorithm and look at the recommended candidates based on position. The third option is integrating with your ATS and they will be submitted into your system once the candidate applies for the role on our platform. And lastly, you can come here and search our full candidate pool by any different criteria. Going back to our homepage, we also provide an in-platform reporting dashboard called our Analytics Dashboard. Once you click on this, you’ll be able to pull up the data insights across your entire account and highlight specific candidates activities and trends. Taking a look at Inclusively as a company, you’ll notice that we are successful mainly in the job categories of business management, customer service and HR recruiting. Scrolling a little further down, what we find interesting here is the data we provide around the accommodations that candidates select. You’ll notice on the left that 87% of candidates applying to jobs in Inclusively have declared accommodations to be successful in the workplace. On the right, there’s a further breakdown of the top accommodation requests. This allows employers to build a baseline around what they can offer as a company for success to allow candidates to be successful in their roles.

And taking a further look, you can see that 82% of people do declare these accommodations that cost $0 for employers to provide. What we want to provide from this dashboard is the baseline knowledge of who their candidates are and what accommodations they’re requesting. When employers or hiring teams have questions around these accommodations, they can actually have a direct line to our Success Enablement Team. This is our training team in house that can answer questions around interview accommodations, success enablers, and also review any use cases around these. If you put this at the top banner, it’ll automatically pull up our in platform messaging, and you can type out a question or a request from our Success Enablement Team and they will respond within one business day. Going back to our employer portal, we will continue to provide some enablement and continue to push our enablement strategy within the platform. That means further features to come from our Learning Center, which will provide in-platform content around success enablers and interview combinations, inclusive of some training videos as well as definitions for each category we provide. So more to come on that and I will now hand it back over to Shayla for a Q&A.

Speaker 1: Shayla Cory, VP of Demand Generation at Inclusively

Great, thanks so much, Allison. It looks like we do have a couple of questions that have come in. So let me just look at these real quick. Let’s see. This question is how do you pull in all of our jobs into the portal

Speaker 3: Allison Lindberg, VP of Product Strategy at Inclusively

That’s a great question. So we have a few different options for pulling jobs into the portal. Our best practice approach is to set up a dynamic feed with either JSON or XML with our employers at the onboarding stage, which will automatically update the job postings overnight that are provided by the employer. The other way is manually in the platform. Employers can add each job that they seek by hitting the Create Job button.

Speaker 1: Shayla Cory, VP of Demand Generation at Inclusively

Okay, great. Thanks, Allison. And then the other question we have is, what types of candidates are coming into the platform and where are our hiring managers having the most success?

Speaker 2: Sarah Bernard, Co-founder and CEO of Inclusively

So, we have a lot of candidates that come to us with interests across all jobs, job levels and job categories. The majority of our candidates are in our candidate database, though it’s largely entry to mid-level, and they apply to jobs in customer service, service administration and computer IT jobs. Something that I think is unique about Inclusively is that we don’t pigeonhole people into specific jobs, categories or industries. For instance, although companies have had great success with building autism- or neurodiversity-at-work programs, not every person who is neurodivergent wants to go into engineering. In fact, we place candidates who self disclose from this community into marketing, sales and many other roles that they thrive in. Another example is veterans. We have a lot of veterans that end up going into the public sector with strong ties into federal agencies, but Inclusively provides great access into the private sector, and more corporate jobs.

Speaker 1: Shayla Cory, VP of Demand Generation at Inclusively

Great. Thank you, Sarah. And it looks like that was our last question. So again, if you have any other questions, feel free to submit them via the chat. However, it looks like that is our last one. So I want to again thank both Sarah and Allison for their participation today. Thank you to the attendees for joining us today. As a reminder, we did record this session, we will transcribe it and make both the recording and the transcription available to you post session. And if you’re interested in learning more about the Inclusively employment platform, as well as the employer portal you can feel free to visit and submit the contact us form to learn more. Thanks again.

Sarah Bernard (She/Her/Hers)

Sarah Bernard (She/Her/Hers)

Co-Founder & COO

Success Enablers
Remote Work

Allison Lindberg

Allison Lindberg

VP of Product Strategy, Inclusively

Helpful Resources

Inclusively’s Research: The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Inclusively’s Research: The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Press Release: New Inclusively Research — The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Press Release: New Inclusively Research — The Disclosure Gap Is Real

Press Release: The State of Workplace Inclusion and Accommodations

Press Release: The State of Workplace Inclusion and Accommodations